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Vigil      By Audrey Chiang (江婉柔)         

This is written by young author Audrey Chiang (江婉柔). Born in 2003, She loves writing, reading, and drawing.


She waits, her hands clenched on the window



Her mind spinning with thoughts of betrayal,


A hole in her heart that she needs to fill,


Dread pounds her conscience like a storm

 of hail.


She hopes and she dreams of the golden day,


When her love will finally reappear,


Unease harbors in her heart from what people



And the comments hurt like a painful sear.


Pain in her blood runs deep like the river,


Blindly wandering in agony’s haze,


The regret in her veins makes her shiver,


She desperately hopes this is a phase.

Time can never mend the pain of lost love, 


For feelings flit quickly like flying doves.


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