



I described my deposition encounter with Mundie in my journal as well:


Craig Mundie walked in from his vacation.  He had just returned from a long trip on his boat.  He had a friendly smile when he saw me, and was eager to tell me about his trip.  We talked about his boat computers, where he went, how he decompressed.


Then the reporter turned on the machine and Craig was a different man.


In the morning, it was “Kai-Fu knew everything.”  And in the afternoon it was “Everything is a trade secret.” 


I knew Ballmer would be the harshest among them all. But I was still shocked to hear his deposition.  I described how I felt about it in my journal:


He started by saying, “To our Chinese employees, Kai-Fu is like a Godfather.”


My attorney Ragesh asked “Mr. Ballmer, is Godfather an official Microsoft title?”


I was unable to laugh at that humorous question, because Ballmer continued to say that

I had “broad and unilateral” responsibility for the company’s China strategy.


What a huge lie that was! Responsibility, perhaps he offered me some before I left, but I didn’t take that job! Broad?  No way. Unilateral?  Impossible. “Godfather !”  Was this about the respect people had for me?  Or the work I voluntarily did for Gates and Ballmer?  Was my generosity turning into a monster to bite me?


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